Category Archives: Puff The Pixie Stories

Puff goes camping

Puff the Pixie had a wonderful idea and was looking for his best friend Topaz, to tell him all about it. Skipping along the mossy path, the little Pixie was singing to himself

“Pots and pans and a lantern
A cup and a silver spoon
We are going camping
For tonight there is full moon”

And he was so busy singing and skipping that he tripped over Bose Beetle who was crossing the path. Puff tumbled down and said – “Hey Bose, look where you’re going” and jumped up rubbing his elbows and knees. “Well” said the Beetle crossly “you are a cheeky young Pixie, first you trample all over me then you dare to tell me to look where I am going, and now look at me”.

Puff did look – poor Bose Beetle was on his back and though he tried with all his might he just could not get on his feet. Puff thought that Beetle looked very funny laying there, shouting crossly and waving his legs about, but he tried not to laugh because he was a very kind Pixie at heart. Luckily, Topaz came along at that moment and he helped Puff to put Bose the right way up, and although Beetle was still cross, when Puff said “Bose I am truly sorry for being so careless”, he stopped grumbling and said “Alright, alright but be more careful next time” and scurried away.

“Come Topaz”, said Puff, “let us sit down, I have something to tell you”. The two Pixies scrambled up the bank and sat on the soft moss. “Why are you up so early?” asked Puff, “I thought I was the only one who liked to get up with the birds”. Most Fairies and Pixies sleep at daytime and only come out when the humans sleep, but Puff was a day Pixie and was often alone. Topaz was his best friend and although he mostly slept in the day-time, it made Puff very happy when his friend could spend a day with him.

“Well” answered Topaz, “maybe you didn’t notice but it rained very hard last night and almost everyone went back to sleep. Most of them are still a sleep”. “Oh, what a lot of lazy-bones” said Puff, “the sun is shining and there are hundred exciting things to do.

Now I’ve got a plan and I was coming back to look for you when I fell over Beetle” Puff chuckled, “Oh dear, he was cross and he did look so funny waving his feet in the air”.  “But what is your plan?” asked Topaz impatiently. “Oh yes, my plan, we are going camping. What do you think of that?” Topaz looked most surprised, “camping? what is that Puff?” Puff said excitedly, “it’s wonderful, we take blankets and pots and pans and sleep in a different place”.

“Good gracious” exclaimed his friend “I’ve never heard of anything like it, do you mean we are going to move house?” “Only for one or two nights” answered Puff. “Well I think that’s silly” said Topaz “fancy moving house for one or two nights then moving back again”.

“Now listen Topaz, camping is something humans do and I have seen them and it looks exciting. They make a cloth house which they call a tent and they put their blankets in there. Then they make a fire, outside the tent of course, and cook things with a pot and a pan and when they have eaten they put the fire out and crawl into their cloth house and go to sleep. The next day they pack everything up and go away. That’s camping” finished Puff breathlessly. “And we are going to do it”.

“Oh no, oh dear no, we are not”, said Topaz firmly, “I have a cosy little house and a soft warm bed. I am not going to leave the Fairy Dell to live somewhere else for one or two days and nights”. “When then” sighed Puff, “I’ll just have to go on my own”. Topaz frowned. If Puff went alone he might get into trouble, even danger.  Puff was his friend, always ready to help anyone and – well his adventures were fun. He would go with Puff and he would try to be more brave. Some of the Pixies called him Timid Topaz and he didn’t like the name.

He turned to Puff and laughed “I’ve changed my mind – we will go together – what do we do first?”. “Hooray” Puff shouted and turned a cartwheel! Then he flew round and round his friends head still shouting “Hooray for Topaz, Hooray!”.

“Stop Puff, stop, you are making me giddy, come and sit down and tell me what we have to do”. They settled down to make a list of things they would need and went to ask Spinder Spider if they could borrow a flat truck to put all their things on. Spinder was happy to help them. “But be careful, Pixies” he said “keep away from the places where the humans are”.

“We will take care” Puff told him “and thank you for lending us the truck”. At last everything was ready and they set off pulling the loaded flat truck behind them. Puff had chosen a path which would take them to his favourite place on the downs and it was a long walk, but they had plenty of time so now and then they rested. When they were out of the Home Woods and looked out on the Downs, Topaz said “The sun has gone in Puff, it does not look very nice for camping”.

“Don’t worry” answered Puff brightly “I expect he has just gone behind a cloud and will be out again presently”. They walked a little further and suddenly Puff turned to Topaz and cried ou “The house, the cloth house, we forgot the most important thing of all – oh Topaz, we have no tent!”

They stood looking at each other in dismay, than at last, Puff, who always tried to make the best of things, said “Well, were not going back I’m sure we can find something to make a tent of. Come on Topaz, we are almost there”. Just then the sun came out again and the Pixies felt much jollier as they pulled their truck a little way down the first slope of the downs.

“There, by that big wild rose bush” said Puff “and when we get there we will have a drink of honeysuckle lemonade then look around to see if we can find something for a tent”. The downs looked beautiful in the sunlight and, when they reached the rosebush Topaz took the bottle from the truck and filled two acorn cups while Puff lay happily stretched out on the warm grass. Above him, butterflies fluttered over the roses and the air was full of summer sounds. He could hear the Bees and the rustle of long grass as a breeze danced by and looking up through the branches of the rose bush he could see – a nest!

“Look Topaz” he whispered as his friend put the two cups of lemonade on the ground near Puff, “look up there and he pointed to the little round nest perched high above their heads. “Well – a nest, What about it?” asked Topaz in surprise.  “I’ll tell you what about it” answered Puff “I happen to know that the robin family who used to live there, have moved. That nest is empty.”

Topaz still looked puzzled “you are not going to say we should sleep up there, I hope?” “No, no, no” answered Puff jumping and laughing “but we could take it out of the rose bush and turn it upside down here on the grass, we will have a perfectly lovely tent-house.” So they started climbing carefully up the prickly trunk of the bush but there was such a tangle of branches and so many spiteful thorns that they had to go down again. Once again they sat on the grass in the sunshine and Puff thought how miserable it would be if they had to go back home after all. “Puff” Topaz shook his friend, “Puff, look there” and he pointed to two Crows perched nearby “let us ask them if they will help us”. And that is what they did.

The two big birds soon had the nest on the ground and when they heard what the Pixies were going to do they though it was very strange. Fancy sleeping in an up-side down birds nest! But they were worried too because the Pixies were so small and one crow said to the two friends, “there is more rain coming and it would be much better for you to go home. Still, we will be coming this way again later on and we will see if everything is alright”. Puff and Topaz thanked the crows and waved goodbye to them, then they started fixing their tent-house. By breaking a small piece out of one side they made an opening so that when they turned the nest up-side down they could crawl inside. Then they put their blankets in and were very pleased with their cosy tent!

“Now we can have a rest and eat some sandwiches” said Puff and when everything was safely inside they enjoyed their picnic. “That was a great idea” Puff told his friend, “I mean, you thinking to ask the crows. Oh Topaz, I’m so glad you came with me, it would not have been much fun on my own”.  Meanwhile big black clouds were rolling toward the downs and the Pixies felt it was getting cold.

Topaz said “let’s go to sleep under the blankets until the sun comes out again”. And Puff, who was also tired, agreed and soon they were sleeping warmly. When Puff woke up, much later it was quite dark and very wet!  Water was pouring in through the roof and he could hear thunder rumbling not far away. “Oh dear” he said “what are we going to do now – we shall be quite washed away down the hill”.  He shook Topaz who was still fast asleep although rain was dripping on his blanket too.

Topaz woke up and was very frightened when he heard the thunder, the wind and the rain.  The two little friends huddled close together and for once Puff had no ideas at all. Then they heard a loud cawing close by. The crows had come back as they has promised and they were very kind. They didn’t laugh at the two bedraggled and shivering Pixies and they didn’t scold them.  They just told Puff and Topaz to roll themselves in their blankets and then, very gently each crow picked up a Pixie and flew swiftly through the dark, stormy night right to the Fairy Dell. Soon the two friends were safely home, sitting close to a warm fire in Puffs little house.

“I’m sorry Topaz, I really am. It’s all my fault”, and Puff looked so miserable that Topaz just could not feel cross. “Never mind Puff” he said “we did have an adventure, even if it was a very wet one, and tomorrow we must go back to fetch the truck for Spinder Spider. But now, to bed – lovely, lovely warm dry bed”.

The next day they returned the flat truck to Spinder who told them they could have it again whenever they wanted to go camping. The two Pixies laughed and Topaz shook his head and said, “oh no, we shall leave that for the humans, Puff does get a lot of good ideas, but camping was not such a good one”.  “You are right, Topaz” said Puff “we were very lucky that the crows came back. Next time I shall try to think of a dry adventure”. And laughing happily, they said “Good-bye” to Spinder Spider and went home to the Fairy Dell.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff and the Water Rats

Through the home woods, and close to the Fairy Dell there ran a chuckling bubbling stream. It was quite a small stream and on hot summer nights fairies, elves and pixies gathered there to play beside the cool water. There was even a tiny cove, sandy and shallow where they could splash about in the water without being afraid that they would be swept away by the swiftly lowing stream.

Everyone knew how dangerous that could be because this little stream, after bubbling and singing its way far into the home woods, suddenly went underground, gurgling and splashing in the darkness until it poured into the bigger stream where Mrs Duck lived at the foot of the Downs.

Puff the Pixie even knew where the little stream when into the ground. He had found the place one day when he was carrying a message from the Fairy Queen to Frog. It had been a long walk and he had never been there again but one day, late in Autumn he was very glad he knew where to find it. It happened this way. For many days, rain had been falling and the little stream was growing into quite a bit stream. Water Rats had to leave their homes on the banks of the stream because the water rose so high that they were flooded.

Each day, Puff the Pixie went to look at the rising waters of the stream while the other Pixies and Fairies slept. Puff slept at night and was mostly alone in the daytime except when his friend, Topaz, joined him on special adventures. The rain just would not stop and everywhere in the Home Woods, the brown leaves were falling wetly to the ground.

“O I do wish it would stop raining” sighted Puff as he sat alone by the window in his little house “how miserable everything looks”. Just then there was a loud knocking on his door and he hurried to open it. Frog stood there looking very wet and very worried. “Come in Frog” said Puff “whatever is the matter?” “Have you been to look at the stream today?” Frog asked. “Well, no not yet, but I shall be going presently – Topaz promised to come with me” answered Puff. “Oh dear, oh dear” croaked Frog “it is too awful to think about”.

“What us awful – please Frog, do tell me what the matter is” begged the Pixie. “Well said his wet visitor “the stream has now grown so big that if the rain does not stop soon, the water from the stream will run down the path to the Fairy Dell”.

Puff looked frightened “Oh Frog, this is terrible, what are we to do?” “Well Puff, I thought if you came and had a look – maybe you would have one of your clever ideas, or something.” “I’ll come right away” Puff told him “Maybe you could fetch Topaz while I put my rain clothes on but please be quiet – we don’t want to wake all the others until we really must”. And away went Frog, splashing wetly through the puddles. A little later, Puff, Topaz and Frog stood on a little hillock looking down at the wide river which was once a little stream.

Water was running everywhere and Topaz said, “We will have to wake the Fairies and the others Puff, we must. Another hour or two and the water will be over the top of the hill and running down towards the Fairy Dell.” Frog nodded his head gloomily “Just what I was telling Puff,” he said. But Puff did not seem to be listening. He was looking very puzzled. Suddenly he said, “Frog and Topaz, look the water is not flowing, the stream is getting bigger but the water is not flowing.”

He threw a stick into the water. It just floated but it didn’t sail along as it should have done on a fast running stream. And all at once Puff knew what was wrong. “It is blocked” het said “the stream is blocked where it goes underground – we must hurry. First we must ask all the water rats to help us. A little later very one was ready and the water rats were eager to help.

“If two of you can carry us on your backs” said Puff, “we will get there quicker because it is a long way.” And soon Puff and Topaz were seated on two of the biggest water rats and Puff was calling, “Alright, off we go, follow me” and away the galopted. It was still raining and Frog, springing along behind the water rats, was still very worried about the sleeping Fairies, Pixies and Elves. He kept croaking “Faster, faster.”

On and on they went until at last they came to the place where rocks and bushes marked the end of the stream, the place where the little stream went underground. Only now, the water could not run down into the earth because small branches, twigs and dead leaves had piled up and filled the opening. Puff said to the water rats, “Now we can show you why we need your help. If the water doesn’t run away soon, the Fairy Dell will be flooded.” The rats went into the water and brought the twigs and small branches to dryer ground. It was a long job and Topaz and Puff wished they could help but all they could do was wait.

“You must be careful” Puff called to the busy water rats “when you have cleared everything away, the water will start rushing downwards and you must take care not to be swept along.” “Don’t worry” the leader called back to him “we will be alright, just mind that you don’t fall in. They worked and worked and suddenly Topaz exclaimend “Hooray, it has stopped raining” and sure enough the sun was trying to shine. At that moment they heard a gurgling, splashing rushing sound, the water was moving faster and faster down through the opening and the water rats were all swimming to where Puff and Topaz and Frog were dancing up and down in excitement.

They all stood watching for a long time to make sure that the opening did not get blocked again, then tired and wet but very happy they all went back to their homes. It was late in the afternoon when Puff and Topaz reached the Fairy Dell and Puff asked his friend to have a glass of hot honey tea with him. While they were sipping their drinks there was a knock and the door opened. There stood the Fairy Queen! Puff and Topaz jumped up in surprise.

“Sit down both of you, I know you must be tired. Frog has told me how you saved the Fairy Dell from being flooded. The King and I would like to invite you to a special banquet tomorrow night. All the water rats have been invited and of course Frog. Now you must sleep, thank you for taking care of us while we were sleeping., goodnight,” and the Fairy Queen was gone and the two little friends finished their honey tea then both curled up in Puffs bed and were soon fast asleep.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff and the Royal Surprise

It was midsummer and in the Home Woods all was a hustle and bustle because everyone was getting ready for the midnight party. The Fairies were busy putting the finishing touches to beautiful gossamer dresses, the Elves were putting up de tables, hanging coloured lanterns and decorating the thrones of the Fairy King and Queen.

All through the woods the rabbits, squirrels, dormice, the birds, the beetles and the bees were running and flying to and from filling little baskets with good things to eat. In the Palace, all the elf cooks were busily preparing such dishes as honey-jellies, rose pudding, little cakes glistering with Fairy sugar and crisp brown nut rolls. There were drinks being made of cool honeysuckle and beautiful red berries and everyone was getting more and more excited as the evening drew near.

Only Puff the Pixie was nowhere to be found. Even his best friend Topaz did not know where he was and kept asking everyone if they had seen Puff – but no one could help him and poor Topaz was upset because he was afraid that Puff would be late for the wonderful midsummer night party.

Fern Rabbit saw Topaz sitting miserably on a toadstool and although she still had much to do she couldn’t bear to see a sad face on this special day. “Hello Pixie” she called “what are you looking so glum for – you must be the only one who is not helping to get things ready, shame on you”.

She hopped closer to Topaz and he told her about the missing Puff and Fern Rabbit laughed and said “why you silly old Topaz, you know that it is Puffs turn to bring the Royal Surprise to the party this year”.  “Ooooh” said Topaz, “I had forgotten – of course, we won’t be seeing him until just before midnight”. He felt much happier and was so grateful to Fern Rabbit that he offered to help her get all the baby rabbits ready and to amuse them until the feast began. Fern Rabbit was very glad of his help and soon they were both happily busy.

Meanwhile, Puff had had a very exciting day. When he was told that he had been chosen to bring the Royal Surprise he at once decided that it must be the most beautiful surprise their Majesties had ever had. He went out onto the downs to think and think and think. But, oh dear, not one single new idea came to him.

Flower crowns? no, Rainbow Fairy had given those last year. Petal fans? no, that had also been done.

Poor Puff, the harder he tried to think the more empty his head seemed to be. But there must be something. He could not possibly go empty-handed to the party – what would their Majesties think of him? A soft breeze danced by and Puff, spreading his tiny wings let himself be carried along without looking or caring where he was going. Maybe he would think of something while drifting along on the breeze, but the playful breeze, after carrying Puff for a while, suddenly stopped blowing! Before Puff could save himself he tumbled with a soft bump to the ground. He sat there rubbing his head and scolding himself. Ooh, that bump had hurt – there must have been a stone laying there.

He looked around and what he saw took his breath away – not a stone but a big wooden reel full of scarlet silk thread. At first Puff had no idea what could be done with it but the colour was so splendid, so “Royal” shouted Puff gleefully dancing round his new found treasure “A Royal colour”. He went close to it and touched it, one end of the thread was laying in the grass and Puff examined it. It was very strong and there was plenty; the reel was almost full – why one could, could…. Ah yes, what could one do with it?

“How pretty it is” said Puff to himself “one of the humans must have left it behind”. And indeed one could often find strange odds and ends on this slope of the Downs because it was a favourite spot for humans and humans can be very careless with their things. Puff had drifted a long way from the Home Woods – further than wise Pixies went in daylight but Puff, a very kind Pixie though he was, was not always wise!

The breeze came back and played with the loose end of the tread making it flutter like a painted cobweb thought Puff. Cobwebs – spiders – spinning threads, “I have an idea – a big and wonderful idea but first I must get this back to the Home Woods. “Thank you little breeze” he called, “thank you for bringing me here”. And he started pushing and rolling the reel of thread over the grass. Very soon he had to stop. It was hard work and he was very glad to see a large group of ants scurrying along.

Puff called out to them, “ants, I say, ants – please will you help me? I am on a very special mission” he added importantly, “For their Majesties”. I have to roll this up to the Home Woods – can you spare the time to help me? Now ants never waste time talking, they are always much too busy – but not too busy to help Puff. They soon had that cotton-reel rolling along so fast that the little Pixie had to run to keep up with them.

When they reached the Home Woods, Puff took a little bag of honey-crystals from his pocket and scattered it on the ground for the ants. With tiny squeaks of thanks the ants were soon enjoying this unexpected feast. Puff thanked them for their help and left them to enjoy their honey meal.

Once inside the woods, Puff found it much easier to roll the cotton-reel because the little path was mossy and smooth, not like the tuffy grass on the downs. Soon he reached the home of two good friends, Spinder and Supul the Spiders. They were the cleverest weavers in all the Home Woods and made the fines lace curtains and the most beautify materials for the Fairies dainty dresses.

Puff knocked on the door and it was opened by Spinder who was very pleased to have Puff visit them. When they were all sitting in the Spiders parlour Puff told them what he had found and asked his big question. Spinder and Supul listed carefully and then nodded and said they would help him.

They had finished their own preparations for the midnight feast and were just resting until it was time to go to the Dell. But if they began straight away and worked hard they had enough time to weave the Royal Surprise.

“We will enjoy doing it” said Supul “and it is a great honour to make this for the King and Queen”. “Puff” said Spinder, “you go and have a rest now or you will be too tired to enjoy the party. You can sleep on my bed and we will call you when the work is finished”. The little Pixie had a lovely sleep and it was dark when he awoke. He jumped up rubbing his eyes – what was the time – oh dear, the party. Then he heard Spinder and Supul calling, “Puff Pixie, come and see – we have finished the work”.

Puff ran to the Spiders work room and there, spread across the floor was the red carpet, made from the lovely silk thread. Puff went down on his hands and knees to look at it closely. “Spinder and Supul – it is magnificent, you have made it better that I could ever dream. You must both come with me to present it to their Majesties because without your help there would be no carpet”.

The Spiders were very pleased and excited “we would like that very much Puff” said Spinder but we really must be moving now”. The three of them rolled the new carpet up very carefully and put it on the flat truck they used for deliveries and when Supul had closed the door of their house they set off toward the Dell. There was no sound in this part of the woods but of course almost everyone was already at the party. The Fairy King and Queen would arrive at midnight and Puff had to be there to give the Royal Surprise as they stepped out of the Royal Coach.

How beautiful the glade of the Fairy Dell looked in the moonlight. Hundreds of glow worms in hundreds of flower lanterns sparkled and glowed, the Fairies were dressed in their loveliest dresses, the Pixies and Elves in bright green or red jackets. There were guests from every part of the Home Woods, glossy rabbits, excited dormice, chattering squirrels and many, many others.

On a little slope the other side of the Dell stood the decorated thrones of the King and Queen and just as Puff and the Spiders arrived they heard the tinkling bells of the Royal Coach. “Quick” said Puff – and they were exactly on time to roll out the long red carpet for the King and Queen to walk on.  Everyone gasped in surprise and clapped in pleasure. The Fairy King and Queen stood still in amazement, “why Puff, this is the most Royal Surprise we have ever had” said the Queen. “Thank you your Majesty, but without my two friends here, Spinder and Supul Spider, it would not have been possible”. “Then we thank you both said the King to the Spiders. “And now – on with the feast”. And as they walked on the new carpet to the two thrones, the grasshopper band began to play some lively music. The party lasted until the stars began to fade and everyone agreed that it was the best Midsummer Night Party they had ever had.

Puff the Pixie smiled as he curled up at last in his own soft bed “Yes”, he murmured, “The best ever”, and went to sleep.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff and the Little White Cloud

The downs were bathed in the warmth of the June sun and even the bees not as busy as usual. The smell of wild mint and thyme filled the air and Puff the Pixie was filled with lazy contentment. It is not usual for fairy folk to be about in broad daylight but Puff loved sunbathing and in spite of many warnings from the fairy Queen and the elf King he just could not resist it. “The downs” he would say, are so far away from the nearest human village that there is almost no chance of anyone seeing me. So in spite of advice and to the worry of his friends, for he was really the most lovable Pixie. Puff would spend many long summer afternoons sunbathing and dreaming, he had a very special dream.

Puff was fascinated by the fleecy white clouds which sailed and tumbled along high over his head. Little woolly ships sailing on a sea of summer blue, and he longed to go sailing on one of them. It is no secret that Pixies and Fairies can fly but Puff could fly but not very far and not for very long because he was still young and his wings were very tiny.  He knew that the birds could fly higher than any Fairy or Pixie but even the birds never flew as high as the little white clouds.

Suddenly Puff was awakened from his day-dreaming by the sound of human voices, he crept under a nearby wild rose bush to be out of sight. Two boys appeared and one of them said “let us sit down here, I am too warm to go any further”, and they both flopped heavily to the ground where, only a moment ago Puff had been laying.

Poor Puff did not dare to move from his hiding place, everything was so still and quiet that he was sure to be seen if he tried to slip away. How he wished that he had listened to the good advice of his Queen now – he would have given anything to be safe in the heart of the Home Woods with his friends. Now he could only wait and hope that the boys would soon go. Curled up in the grass in the cool shade of the sore bush, Puff fell asleep. But not for long, one of the boys began shouting excitedly “a breeze, a breeze, come on”, and Puff sat up carefully to see what had caused the excitement. There was indeed a breeze blowing, coming in from the sea on the other side of the downs and setting all the grasses and flowers dancing. Puff crept a little closer to where the boys were and saw that they were busy with a large paper toy which looked like a strange bird.

This bird had a long tail, longer that any tail Puff had ever seen before and on this tail were hundreds of pieces of coloured paper. Well, it looked like hundreds to the pixie. The two boys stood up and Puff fearing they would tread on him, flew swiftly from the ground and, landing on one of the brightly coloured tail papers, held tightly to the string. The tail was trembling in the breeze as one boy held the paper bird high above his head and began to run, very fast along the top of the downs. The other boy ran behind carrying an enormous ball of string which he began unwinding as the paper bird was thrown into the air and was carried upward by the breeze.

Puff was so astonished by the sudden movement that he almost let go, then he squeaked in amazement as the kite (for of course that is what the paper bird was) flew higher and higher until the two boys looked no bigger than toadstools. The pixie settled himself more comfortably in his paper nest and then he looked below him again – why he must be miles above the earth and the only sound was the rustling whisper of the paper tail in the wind.

Higher and still higher went Puff the Pixie and in his excitement he quite forgot to be afraid. It was a magical feeling to be soaring upward like a bird in the blue air full of summer sea breezes. Before he could begin to think what the end of this adventure would be, there was a sudden snap. The string had broken and the two boys far away below were looking sadly up to the sky where their kite, now free, danced and swooped upward and out of sight.

Breathless with excitement, Puff could hardly believe his eyes when he saw a little white cloud sailing toward him!  Oh, if he could – if he only dared he could drop from the tail of the kite as the little cloud passed under him. Could he? Taking a deep breath he waited till he was sure to land right in the middle and he jumped! On the delicious softness, the cool fluffy whiteness – what a story to tell when he got back to the Home Woods, an almost unbelievable adventure.

Laying on his stomach, he looked over the edge of the cloud and saw that he was being carried away from the downs. Suddenly Puff the Pixie was very frightened “oh my goodness” he cried “how am I ever to get down again, the Home Woods are almost out of sight and I can see water – oh, oh, oh – it’s the sea”.

Poor Puff was very upset, he called out loudly, “little cloud, little cloud can you hear me?” “Mmm, I hear you little Pixie” said the white cloud sleepily “what are you shouting for? Are you not comfortable on my soft back?” “Oh yes thank you” answered Puff politely “most comfortable and I am almost enjoying myself enormously – but you are drifting away from the Home Woods and I don’t know how I shall ever reach the ground again. Oh please, please help me”.

The little cloud thought for a while then said, “I know what we shall do little Pixie, we shall go for a nice long ride, them when the sun goes down I’ll have the wind blow me back here and I’ll go down as low as I can then we can ask one of the birds to carry you the rest of the way”.

Now hold on, we are going to catch up with my cloud friends. And a strong wind blew them on and on across the warm blue sky. Puff was so happy, he thought he would burst, he sang and he waved to all the other little clouds who tumbled and danced along beside him. It was a lovely ride, Puff had never been so far away from the Home Woods and when he saw the sparkling sea below he clapped his hands with pleasure.

Slowly the afternoon ended, the sun began to sink and all around were the beautiful colours of the sunset red and violet blue and gold, turning all the little white clouds into shining jewels. Puff was getting sleepy and, curling up, he closed his eyes as the little cloud slowly began to drift back to the Home Woods. “Little Pixie, little Pixie, wake-up, you are nearly home” called the little cloud when they were as low as it could go. Puff sat up rubbing his eyes – it was going to be dark now and he would be glad to be back among the other Pixies.

A skylark came by and Puff called to her, “please skylark, would you take me to the Home Woods?” The skylark came close so that Puff could climb on to her back, “Goodbye little cloud, and thank you”, he called. “Goodbye little Pixie, hurry home now” answered the cloud as with a gentle movement it began to drift up and away again. Soon Puff was back in the Home Woods where all the Pixies and Fairies, and even the King and the Queen were so glad to see him safely home after his adventure that they quite forgot to scold him. Puff told them of his wonderful day but before he could finish, he had fallen fast asleep..

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff and the autumn leaves

It was a beautiful sunny autumn day and in the Home Woods, the trees were no longer green but bright gold, red and brown and when the wind played in the tree tops, the leaves would drop from the branches and float and tumble down to the ground.

Puff the Pixie sat on a mossy bank and watched a shower of shiny brown leaves being tossed on the playful wind.  Sometimes a leaf would suddenly fly upwards again and dance in the air before gliding to the ground.  The woods had an exciting feeling and smelled of nuts and all around there were rustlings and bust ling’s ofthe tiny creatures of the Home Woods busy getting ready for the winter.  Puff wanted to do something exciting.  Just sitting was awful on a day like this when the whole woods was astir with movement and when a specially big leaf came tumbling down on the moss next to the little pixie, he suddenly jumped up.

“I have a wonderful idea” he shouted, so loudly that Milly Squirrel who was high up in the branches of an oak tree, looked down to see what was happening. All she could see was Puff the Pixie who was just beginning to climb up a tall maple tree whose leaves were as golden as the sunshine.  Up and up went Puff, singing as he climbed and calling to the big yellow leaves, “wait for me, wait for me”.  The little squirrel was most curious and ran along a branch tobe able to watch the pixie.  The tall maple and the big oak tree were quit close together and when Milly the squirrel reached the end of the branch, she was close enough to call out to Puff.  “Hello Puff Pixie” she said “what are you doing?”  Puff looked around him then saw the squirrel, “oh, hello Milly he answered isn’t it a lovely day?”

“Yes it certainly is but what are you going to do?”  I heard you shout waitfor me but I can’t see anyone in the tree.  “You will see Puff called back, laughing, “Just you watch me, I am going to play falling leaves”.  The squirrel shook her head.  That pixie was always finding something unusual to do. He was not at all like the others in the Fairy Dell who slept in the daytime and only came out when the humans were asleep.

No, Puff the Pixie liked the daytime best and was very often on his own but all the same he had a lot of fun and many adventures.  Milly Squirrel saw that Puff was walking carefully along a branch, looking for something then he seemed to find what he was looking for and that something was a beautiful gold brown leaf.

To Milly’s surprise the Pixie climbed on to the leaf, laid down and holding tightly to the edges, called out “NOW, blow wind blow”.  The leaf fluttered in the wind and Puff laughed excitedly.  Milly Squirrel stared and stared, what was that Pixie going to do?  Suddenly a strong gust of wind tugged and tugged at the leaf and Puff shouted “Pull wind, pull. There we go”.

And sure enough the leaf and the Pixie were sailing through the air, being tossed and turned and if he had not held on very tightly the excited Puff would have fallen off. The playful wind blew them up into the sunny windy autumn air and the little Pixie shouted with pleasure while the squirrel strained her neck to keep him in sight.  Then the wind stopped blowing so hard and the leaf began to float gently to the ground.  Slower and slower the leaf and the Pixie sailed down between the branches of the trees while all around hem other leaves of red, gold brown and yellow tumbled  and danced around them.

Very gently, Puff’s leaf landed on a soft colourful carpet of fallen leaves and the Pixie sat up.  “Oh that was wonderful” he sighed “When my wings are full grown I shall do nothing else but fly all day long”.  Puff was still very young and although he could fly a little, his wings were not yet strong enough to fly very far.  He heard a rustling sound behind him and looking round he saw Milly Squirrel who said, “Puff Pixie, are you alright? I was so afraid that you were going to fall.  What ever made you do such a foolish thing”, “foolish Milly?” asked Puff in surprise, “why, it was the most wonderful game that I have ever played and I am going to go back up the tree and do it again”!

The squirrel laughed, “You are the most adventure loving Pixie I have ever seen” she said “and if you really want to have another leaf ride, well climb onto my back and I will bring you back to your maple tree. You have sailed quite a distance and I had a hard job keeping up with you”.  “Thank you Milly, I should like that very much.  The wind is blowing quite hard again and I just have to have one more ride before I go and tell Topaz about it”.

Topaz was Puff’s best friend and although he mostly slept in the daytime, he never minded if Puff woke him up to go on one of Puff’s adventures.  Soon the little squirrel was carrying the Pixie swiftly up the trunk of the nearest tree and springing from branch to branch. “Hold on tightly, Puff Pixie”, she called over her shoulder, “we are almost there”. And with a breath taking jump she landed on a branch of the maple tree and was carrying him higher and higher until they were in the topmost branches.

“Here we are then” said Milly.  Puff slipped off her back and looked around him holding tightly to a small branch because the wind was blowing so hard and he did not wanted to be blown away.  “Here Puff, here is a fine big leaf for you” said Milly “let me help you”.  She held the leaf still until the Pixie was comfortably settled then said “take care now, hold on as tight as you can because the wind is very strong and I don’t want you to fall”.  “I will be alright” said Puff “thank you for your help Milly”. “Come on wind BLOW.” The wind fluttered the leaf then it pulled the leaf then “Here we go” shouted Puff as the leaf whooshed into the air and the exciting ride began.

The wind was really strong. Up and up the leaf and the Pixie were blown until the tree tops were far away below them.  Down they swooped then up again and Puff held on very tightly indeed.  Round and round the leaf twirled and a whole shower of other leaves kept them company on the windy journey.  “My goodness” gasped Puff “this is a livelier ride than the first one. I can’t even see where we are”.  Over the tree tops, down between the branches, up again and round and round like a merry-go-round.  It was a lovely ride.  Then suddenly the ride was over.  The wind went to play somewhere else and left Puff and his leaf to drift gently to the ground.  Oh no, Puff looked around him and was most surprised.  The leaf had stopped moving but they were not on the ground.  The Pixie looked over the edge of the leaf and began to laugh.  Topaz would be surprised too thought Puff because the leaf had come to rest right on the top of his house.  In fact he landed right on the top of his chimney.

Before Puff could scramble off his magic carpet, he heard a grumbling and a coughing and the sound of his friend’s voice saying: “please believe me Bose Beetle, I didn’t make the smoke on purpose”, then more grumbling then a then a sudden silence.  As quick as he could, Puff jumped off the leaf and pushed it over the edge of the roof.  Then he flew down to the ground.  Topaz was just going into his house and was very pleased to see his friend Puff.  “Hello” Topaz said, “where did you come from?”  “From your chimney pot” laughed Puff.  “Let’s go indoors and I will tell you what I have been doing today but first tell me, what was all that grumbling just now?”

“Oh that was Bose Beetle, he has been here all afternoon and I did try to do everything I could to please him.  I gave him his favourite soup and cowslip crackers and he was almost happy for a change.  Then all at once the fire started to smoke, great clouds of smoke Puff and old Bose Beetle started coughing and spluttering and saying that I had done it on purpose to get rid of him.  Anyway, he left and the fire is not smoking any more”.  Puff curled up in a chair by the bright fire and laughed.  “No of course it is not smoking any now; I was sitting on your chimney pot on a beautiful big maple leaf.  Now sit down Topaz and will tell you about my afternoon”.

And so the two friends settled down by the fire and Puff told Topaz about his leaf-rides.  The Puff said “I shall have to go now Topaz, Milly Squirrel was so kind to me this afternoon and I think I should let her know that I am safe”.  “I’ll go with you” said his friend.  So they went out into the blustery autumn evening and when they reached Milly Squirrels house in the old hollow tree, she was so pleased to see them that she invited them to stay for the rest of the evening. It was late when they went home and Puff was glad when he was able to curl up in his bed.  He closed his eyes and went to sleep and dreamed of swirling and twirling autumn leaves.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff Goes Nut Hunting

One day when Puff was sitting on a toadstool wondering how much longer the winter was going to last, he saw Milly squirrel hopping and chattering from one tree bole to another. She looked so worried that Puff called – “Hello Milly – have you lost something?” The squirrel looked up and Puff the Pixie could see she had been crying so he flew down to comfort her.

“Now Milly, tell me what the trouble is and maybe I can help you” he said.  The squirrel rubbed her tiny paws together and with many sighs and many sobs she told Puff the reason for her anxiety.

“Oh dear” she said, “I am such a silly old squirrel all the other squirrels know exactly where they have stored their winter food, but me, oh I am so silly. I had worked so hard to make sure that I would have enough food this winter and somewhere I have a beautiful store of nuts but I cannot remember where.  If it had not been for the other squirrels I should have starved. They have been very kind but they have so little now – I cannot go on eating their food. I must find my winter larder, I must” and poor little Milly burst into tears again.

“Hush now” said Puff, “I am going to help you but the best thing you can do is go home and sleep, you look quite worn out. My friend Topaz will help me so off you go and stop worrying”. Milly squirrels home was close by in an old hollow oak and when Puff saw she was safely inside, he went to wake Topaz who, like nearly all the Fairy folk, slept in the daytime and came out when the moon was shining and the humans in their beds. But Puff liked the daytime best so he was generally alone but his friend Topaz was always happy to wake up if Puff needed him because they were very good friends.

A little later the two Pixies were sitting in the shelter of a hollow log to talk about Milly squirrels problem. When Puff had explained to Topaz what he planned to do, Topaz said, “Well I don’t know Puff, it seems an impossible task to find that store of nuts. There are hundreds of trees in the Home Woods. Where must we begin – those nuts could be anywhere”. Puff looked at Topaz and said, “I know it will not be easy, but I have promised. Come on, we will start searching ever likely tree and see what happens”. They were still searching when the sun went down and there was no sign of Milly’s winter store.

They had looked under the roots of big trees; they had searched under fallen trees, looked into old fox holes and climbed ivy creepers to get to the top of tall trees – but the found nothing.

“Puff, I am so cold and tired” said Topaz “it is getting dark and the moon won’t be up for a long time yet. And it is beginning to freeze, look how white the branches are on that tree – oooh I wish I was at home in my warm bed”.

“I know” said Puff “but we just have to find the nuts. Come on, we will rest under the roots of this tree, there are some lovely dry leaves to sit on”. And there they sat, two cold little Pixies as the stars came out one by one and shone frostily on the bare trees of the Home Woods, They had almost fallen asleep when above them Old Owl called tu-wit – tu-wuu and Puff jumped up. “Topaz, Old Owl is awake; let us ask him what to do. He is very wise and maybe he knows where we should look”.

When Old Owl had listened to their story he sat thinking and blinking for such a long time that the two friends thought he had fallen asleep again! But no, suddenly Old Owl started to speak. “Of course” he said, “Milly Squirrel – that must be the squirrel who lives close to the Fairy Dell in the old hollow tree which has only one bough”. “Yes, yes” answered Puff, “she is the one. Milly, well she forgets things – she is getting old and ….”. “Hush” said the Old Owl sternly “do not interrupt, oh if only you young ones would learn to use your head you would save your feet and wings a lot of trouble.

Milly Squirrel is getting old, she is not as well as she used to. Now imagine you are Milly Squirrel and that you live where she lives. Last autumn she was one of the busiest squirrels collecting nuts day after day – now if you were old, where would you put your winter food?” “Why – in my own home of course!” cried Puff. “Yes of course!” echoed Topaz. Milly lives alone – the old hollow tree is very big and she had every reason to want her food nearby in the winter – but then why hasn’t she found them?”

“I know I know” said Puff excitedly, “thank you very much Old Owl – thank you very much indeed”. Old Owl nodded “Well – get along with you, I can’t sit here talking all night. Goodnight to you”. And the Old Owl flew away into the shadowy depths of the Home Woods. “Come on Topaz – let’s fly back to Milly Squirrel”.

“But the nuts Puff – what about the nuts?” asked Topaz as they flew.  “You will see”, was all that Puff would say.

When they got to Milly Squirrels home they banged on the tiny door until she opened it and peered at the sleepily.  “Who is it, and what do you want?” she asked. “Please it’s us – Puff and Topaz, may we come in Milly Squirrel?” and almost before she could answer they were inside.

“Come on Topaz” and up the inside of the tree they went and climbed a hole which led into the only bough left on the old oak – it was hollow too and half way along the bough behind a pile of sweet smelling autumn leaves were all the nuts Milly Squirrel had so carefully hidden. “Hundreds and hundreds of nuts” exclaimed Puff and ran back along the branch to fetch the bewildered Milly.

She was so pleased she hugged the two little friends and said, “Tomorrow, when you have had a nice long sleep you must come to my nut party. I shall invite all the squirrels and you two will be guests of honour. Thanks to you there will be enough for us all now spring comes”. The Pixies thanked her for the invitation and said their good nights, “to the forgetful little squirrel” Puff yawned. “Oh my, I am sleepy” he said, “come on Topaz – race you home”. And soon they were back in the Fairy Dell, and it wasn’t long before they were warm in bed and fast asleep.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff goes Tobogganing

One winter’s day when the Home Woods were crackly white under a layer of snow, Puff the Pixie said to his best friend Topaz “It is too nice a day to stay in the woods – shall we take the toboggan to the downs?” Now Puff was a Pixie who was quite different to the other Pixies. They only came out at night when the humans were all asleep but Puff loved the daylight and the sunshine, and no matter what his friends said, he generally slept at night. This meant of course that very often he had no one to play with but as he had many friends like the squirrels, the rabbits, the birds and the friendly field-mice he was not often lonely. Topaz was only too happy to go with Puff on this shining winter’s day. He wasn’t a bit sleepy so he said “Alright Puff, but we must be careful not to wake the others”.

Softly they went to the old rabbit-hole which was used as a shelter for all the Pixies Toboggans. Puff’s toboggan was a fine silver coloured one with golden runners and although not much bigger than a matchbox, it was of course quite big enough for the two tiny Pixies. It was very cold and when the two little friends put on warm woollen caps, mufflers and mittens and left the Fairy Dell very quietly. After a long walk through the Home Woods they came out onto the open Downs and they looked around for a large mole-hill where they could play.

For Pixies, a large mole-hill makes a lovely toboggan run when they climb to the top. They looked and looked but the snow was so deep that the only mole-hills were quite buried and the only slopes were the deep, deep slopes of the downs. “Oh dear” said Topaz crossly, “now we have come all this way for nothing”. “Nonsense” answered Puff cheerfully, “our toboggan is strong – why shouldn’t we go down there?” and he pointed down the slope to the foot of the downs which, to Topaz, seemed a hundred miles away! He almost squeaked in fright – ‘No Puff – oh no, no, no!  We have never been down there and it’s much too close to the humans”. “Oh, come on Topaz – there are no humans for miles – it will be an adventure”.

But how will we get back again?” asked Topaz, “We can never climb all that way and pull the toboggan. No, I think we had better go back”. Puff laughed and jumped up and down in excitement.

“Come on now Topaz you old scaredy rabbit, help me push the toboggan to the edge of the slope and jump on behind me”. Topaz didn’t like being called “scaredy rabbit” and although he was not feeling at all brave or adventurous, he pushed while Puff pulled on the toboggan. When they were at the edge, where the downs sloped white and sparkling in the winter sunshine they both settled themselves and pushing with their feet to set the toboggan moving.  “Here we go” shouted Puff, “hold tight Topaz”. And whizz – they were sliding faster and faster down the steep white hill. The snow was smooth and well made, and the two Pixies got more and more excited the faster it went.

Even Topaz forgot to be afraid because the snow and the sunshine were so beautiful and it did feel adventurous flying over the white downs so fast that it took your breath away. Down and down they went, laughing as they skimmed over the shiny white snow, “this is better than sleeping” shouted Puff over his shoulder. Topaz nodded happily and held tightly to Puff who was now singing a lively winter song.

Down and down and down – and at last they slowed down as they reached the level ground. Slower and slower and then – stop! The two Pixies tumbled off and looked back up the hill – so far that they could not see the top, but they were feeling too happy to worry about that right now. A little way ahead of them was a bridge over a small frozen stream and Puff pointed to it, “Come on Topaz, under the bridge where it is sheltered. We can eat our honey-cakes and sandwiches without worrying about any humans who may come by”.

They slithered and slipped down the bank of the stream and found a comfortable ledge under the bridge to sit on while they ate hungrily their honey-cakes and sandwiches.  They were feeling very happy indeed and were just wondering what to do next when they heard a loud quacking and flapping. It was a very frightening noise and they huddled together and listened with thumping hearts. There it was again, and it sounded this time as though the quacking was a call for help.

Puff and Topaz jumped up and run along the ledge under the bridge to where the noise came from. Then they saw the noise maker.

An old duck that seemed to have one leg stuck in the ice was flapping her wings so crossly that some of her feathers were flying into the air looking like very big snowflakes. She saw the two Pixies and grumbled loudly, “I must say, you took your time – look at me, just look at me! Calling for help and getting cramp” she grumbled and grumbled.

Topaz was most indignant and was going to answer her quite rudely but Puff stopped him and said to the duck, “we are very sorry to see you in trouble, what can we do to help and how did this happen?”

“Well” grumbled the duck, “I am getting old and I sleep a lot and I suppose, while I was asleep on the ledge, one leg slipped into the water before it was quite frozen and I didn’t notice it until I woke up. Now my leg is stuck in the ice and I can’t get away”.

“We will help you” said Puff, “but do stop flapping and grumbling before you frighten us away. You will have to be patient while we search for some loose stones –most of them are frozen into the earth. We won’t be long”. The two friends set off to look for some small sharp stones and at last, by the door of water rats home they found what they were looking for and hurried back to the duck. Climbing down on to the ice, Puff scratched a circle on it around the ducks frozen leg. “Now Topaz” he said, “start tapping on your half of the circle and I’ll start this side”. It was hard work, tap, tap, tapping with their stones to break the ice and soon the Pixies were so warm they had to take off their woollen mufflers.

Tap tap, tap tap – and then Puff saw that water was coming through the ice which was not very thick after all.

“Be careful Topaz” he said, “we are almost finished Mrs Duck, see if you can pull your leg free now”. And the duck pulled and tugged and the ice splintered with a hundred crackly frozen sounds and suddenly – she was free. A circle of ice still fixed to her leg looked like a lacey frill and made the Pixies giggle but happily the duck did not hear them.

Now Mrs. Duck, come out into the sunlight and we will take the rest of the ice off and you shall have some honey-cakes. Together the three of them climbed up the bank to where the toboggan stood. The rest of the ice soon came off and the duck flapped het wings in a dance of pleasure.  “Hey – be careful Mrs Duck, you almost flapped us down the bank” laughed Puff.

The duck stopped her flapping and sat down and when Topaz gave her the rest of the honey-cakes she settled down to eat then slowly and daintily. When they were all gone she looked at Puff and Topaz and said, “You have both been very kind to a bad tempered old duck, very kind indeed. If there is anything I can do for you, please tell me”.

“Well” answered Puff, “we do have a most gigantic problem. You see, we came from the very top of the downs – from the Home Woods in fact on our Toboggan and because we are still very young Pixies we cannot fly very far. If we try to climb to the top with our Toboggan we will be frozen before we get halfway. Maybe you think it was foolish of me not to listen to Topaz, he did try to stop me – but it was such a lovely ride!”

Duck was nodding het head, “and if you had not taken that ride I should still be stuck in the ice” she said “you two have saved my life and although you are too young to fly – I am not too old, I will fly you and your toboggan home so climb on my back and make yourselves comfortable”. The two excited Pixies thanked their new friend and snuggled into her soft feathers holding tightly to the silver toboggan and the duck flapped her wings and flew toward the downs. High over the white blanket of snow they flew higher and higher until the edge of the Home Woods was below them and the duck glided gently down to the ground close to the trees.

Puff and Topaz climbed from her back and pulled the toboggan carefully to the ground. “Thank you Mrs Duck” said Puff “that was a lovely way to be brought home. Goodbye, be careful and don’t sleep too close to the water”. The duck said she would take care and thanked the Pixies for the delicious honey-cakes and she flew away calling, “goodbye Puff, goodbye Topaz”. They watched her until she was gone then went into the Home Woods, to the Fairy Dell and when their toboggan had been put away in the old rabbit hole, two tired but happy Pixies went home to sleep.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.

Puff and the Magic Powder

One day in autumn, Puff the Pixie went nut picking in the Home Woods and when his basket was full the decided to take a short cut back to the Fairy Dell. Before he had gone very far, the little Pixie realised that it was a foolish thing to do because he had never been in this part of the woods before. “No” he said to himself “I had better go back and take the path that leads straight back home, even if it is longer”, so he turned back.

After he had been walking for quite a long time, Puff thought, “that’s funny, I should be back on the old path by now, I must have taken the wrong turning somewhere. I seem to be lost. Well I am sure to meet someone soon and then I ask the way”. Sure enough, a little further he met a hedgehog who was rather grumpy and when Puff asked the way, all that the hedgehog said was, “You should stay in your own part of the woods”, and shuffled away muttering to himself “Silly Pixie”.

“What a rude hedgehog” said Puff indignantly, “but there comes a rabbit, maybe she will be kinder”. The rabbit listened to Puff’s problem then said, “Now you follow this path until you come to the fallen tree then ask again”. Puff thanked her and set off again. When he reached the fallen tree however, there was no one about to ask so he sat on the tree trunk to wait until someone came along.

While he was sitting there he saw a little bag lying in the path a little distance from the tree and the inquisitive Pixie said to himself, “Now I wonder what is in that bag. Maybe the one who dropped it will come back soon to look for it then I can ask the way again”. Puff waited and waited and he started to feel restless. “Well, I am not going to wait all day” he said, “I shall just follow this path and see what happens”.

As he passed the spot where the little bag was laying, he decided to open it and see what was inside. The bag was quite small, not heavy and altogether mysterious. “What can it be?” wondered Puff and sat down to untie the string which held the bag closed. ”Powder” he exclaimed, “Just a lot of yellow powder,” and he sniffed it. “No smell” he said, “I wonder if one can eat it”, and he dipped his finger in and tasted it. “No taste either, this is a strange thing, I wonder who lost it”.

There was still no one in sight so Puff put the bag in his pocket. He would take it to the Fairy Queen; she would know what to do about it. Anyone who lost anything always went to the palace to see if it had been found.

The Pixie started walking again and after a while he saw another rabbit and when he was close by Puff said, Excuse me, can you tell me the …?” but before he could finish his sentence, the rabbit had turned tail and was running away as fast as he could. “Well” said Puff, “he might at least have listed to me”. A little further along the path he saw a squirrel and Puff walked up to where the squirrel sat daintily nibbling a nut.

“Ahem, excuse me Squirrel, please could you tell me …?” but the squirrel acted very strangely too. She looked this way, that way, up and down the scurried into the nearest tree as fast as she could go! “Whatever is the matter with everyone in this part of the woods?” grumbled the pixie crossly “They are all rude and not a bit helpful, ah well”; he shrugged his shoulders and carried n down the path.

At last, after walking and flying a long way he came to a place he recognised. “Hooray” he shouted, “now I know where I am. Just a little further and I will be on the path to the Fairy Dell” and see, there was Fern Rabbit with her family of little ones sitting outside their home. Puff skipped up to them and called out, “Hello Fern, hello little ones, have you a drink for me? I have walked …?” What on earth was the matter with everyone today? Fern rabbit screamed, the baby rabbits squeaked and whisking their white tails they all disappeared into their hole.

Poor Puff, he just could not understand it. Oh, he would be so glad to be home. Sad and tired he continued his walk and then, there at the side of the path, sitting on a toadstool, was his best friend Topaz. “Hey Topaz” Puff called happily “I am glad to see you, I …?” Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Topaz jumped up, looked all around and in a very frightened voice he asked “Who are you, where are you?”

“Oh come on Topaz, it is me, Puff, I really am getting tired of people running away from me. I have never had such a miserable afternoon”. “P, P, Puff?” asked Topaz shakily, where are you? Come where I can see you”, and Puff reached out and tapped his friend on the shoulder saying “Oh Topaz, I am sitting right in front of you”. Topaz sprang in the air “Who is playing jokes on me?” he asked. “No one, you old silly it is me, Puff”. “But I can’t see you wailed” Topaz “oh Puff, you are invisible”. “Ooooh” said Puff “The powder, now I understand”.

Sit down Topaz and I will tell you all about it, hey! Watch out, don’t sit on me!” Then Puff told Topaz about his strange afternoon, about the little bag of powder and how strangely everyone had behaved. “I don’t blame them for behaving like that, Puff, I was frightened too at first, but come on we will go to the palace. The Fairy Queen will know what to do”.

The Queen was sitting in the garden and when she had heard the Pixies story she said, “I am very glad that you found that bag of powder Puff, one of the Elves lost it and when he went back to look for it, it was gone. You see, sometimes I send Fairies into the village to help the humans and I make them invisible to keep them out of danger. Now come with me”.

They went into the palace and the Queen took her magic wand and waved it over the little Pixie. One – two – three, and there stood Puff. Topaz ran to him and put his arms around his friend’s shoulders “oh Puff, I am so glad to see you”. Puff laughed happily “and I am very glad that you can see me”. They thanked the Fairy Queen and Topaz took his friend home to tea so that the awful afternoon ended happily after all.

Puff the Pixie stories were written by D.L. Hardy-Jesshope and may not be copied or reproduced in any way as they are under copywrite.